
Weekly Prayer Requests

Bro Mike and Lisa and Lisa
Bernice Whitehead-health
Nancy’s sister, Judy, for health.
Susan Parham needs prayer for spiritual guidance & children
Elena has a lot of issues in life, but she is still trusting God.
Ronda Is having strokes and needs salvation.
Rhonda needs prayer for her health and other things in her life
Khadijah needs prayer and her mom.
Davy needs salvation
Spencer needs prayer.
Daisy Greenwood has a brain tumor.
Richard & Grace, Grace has heart surgery coming up.
Linda has an unspoken.
Jan’s friend, Alicia, 19 years old has leukemia.
Rick & Ruth needs prayer for jib & relocating away from kids & family
Danny has cancer.
Brian’s wife- devil trying to pull her away from God.
Unspoken needs a job relationship restored.
Our Church and the ministries here.
Holly Farmer needs prayer
Lola Hensley is not doing good.
Linda needs prayer for her health & missing David
Mike & Laura need prayer for health issues.
Roy & Bonnie for health.
Garett for prayer to witness to his parents.
Donna’s son Eric for salvation.
Max needs prayer for cancer
Jerrod’s grandparents
Alicia & Courtney for health
Rose Hutton needs prayer.
Unspoken requests
Rose’s kids.
Laura’s mom.
Dee needs prayer for Jared and her mom.
Mike’s Dad & Mom
Linda’s brother, Bruce.
Second radio station in Kenya
The Group Home.
Pray for Regan, she has cancer and is dying.
Watcher needs prayer, discouraged .
Kelly needs prayer for her marriage
Lea needs prayer for cancer.
Danny needs prayer for personal struggles
Justin needs salvation
Elena is asking prayer.
Sure dear Senghere for family salvation
Tina Nugent’s  baby granddaughter for health.
Watcher needs a break through miracle and feels hopeless.
Anthony needs prayer for a job promotion.
Kelly needs prayer
Caroline needs prayer. Having problems with friends & family turning their back on her.
Watcher requesting prayer
Chataeya husband needs salvation, finances & friends family.
Pray for the lost.
Monica, Lisa’s sister, & family
Christopher Gunn family needs prayer
Rob Grebe and his family’s
Our Country, leaders and our Churches

2 thoughts on “Weekly Prayer Requests”

  1. Psalms 23, 103 are great prayers for the prayer requests…these Psalms carried me through the valley of the SHADOW or death more than once…however, I did have to change what I was eating years ago and give up all white foods…not many are not willing to do this…I had to lose 130 pounds. No hormoned meats…organic foods as much as possible and filter the water…no more restaurants…stopped all TV. I get online to Holy Spirit lead site and have come out from the world, the flesh and the devil…I listen to Pastor Mike Haggard, Pastor David Lankford and read my Bible many days a week…all my friends have gone away…but then they really were not my friends in the first place. I have never been so joyful or complete just obeying the Good Lord in my life. If you think I am bragging…it is only on Christ Jesus and the KJV of the Bible…for that is the only good that is in me…I was a real good sinner and made HUGH mistakes in my life and can do so in my future…but Jesus Christ does keep ME…it is my opinion only but these precious people are going through a fire right now and will be new when they come out…the Bible teaches us to be thankful IN ALL THINGS…NOT FOR ALL THINGS. The Bible teaches us we can total trust what our Father allows in our life and it is true when we read ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD OF THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST JESUS… We must be in Him and He in us…we can not walk in the flesh or complain or mummer or hold grudges…forgiving others … These trials and test are not fun, however…I would not go back and undo much…for I know Him…the Saviour of my soul…I have learned NOT to follow a human…we are all messes without Jesus Christ. And I have be on death beds before and many trials and test all my life and can tell you I liked very few of them but would not undo any because I got closer to the Father in them all…I was delivered from many, MANY drugs and born to a satanic family…thrown out as a new born…I was adopted and I was delivered from the occult, my dad a mason…I drank every day for three years and smoked three packs of cigarettes a day for years…all of it is gone…I have had lots of surgeries but only Jesus Christ was able to heal me and make me whole…last March they rushed me to emergency because I was dying and the doctors did not know why I was still breathing…I went though so many test and Jesus Christ healed me while THEY were giving me a MRI because I was saying Psalms 23 and thanking Him in the pain of it all. They found NO DRUGS in my blood work and I have be free from doctors since 2007. The family members took me to emergency because they saw I was dying…WHILE I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL THEY DRUGGED ME…BUT GOD…oh thanks be to His Name I am free and here today at 72 years old to testify to you all about the love and delivering power of the Lord Jesus Christ…there is no why I can thank the Good Lord enough for Bethel and you all being online…what great encougement and Bible teaching you receive here with Pastor Mike Hoggard. It is sooooo refreshing to finally find someone who will not give up their King James Bible…it is the only book I need or want in my life. My husband of 52 years and whole family are now saved because they saw Christ Jesus carry us through these trials and tests…and I know these trials and tests are to get us ready to meet Him some day soon. Be encouraged you all, He loves you just as much as He loves me…just know there is NOTHING to difficult for our Father through Jesus Christ and learning to walk in the Spirit…sowing to the flesh we will get only corruption…and the wages of sin is death…no where are we taught that life is easy…we are taught that we would have trials and tests and be persuaded …even killed for His Name…but THEY can not keep us from the love of Christ Jesus and THEY will have to pry the King James Version of the Bible from my cold dead hands.

  2. I am so thankful , that God is in control of everything. My youngest son let me know about your website i have learned more about the King James Bible than ever I thought possible Please pray for me and my family . . we are going through a lot of things , my son are Noah ,Travis,Tony .God knows the need , I will pray for everyone on the prayer list. Thank you so much!

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