
New Radio Station in Kenya

On Sunday afternoon, our General Board gave approval to move forward with our second radio station in Turkana, Kenya. Michael, who was also voted in as a new trustee, laid out the plan for the station, the need, the future benefits and the cost for start up. It was agreed that the funds be taken out of the Church’s general fund and used for this purpose. The expected start up budget for this is $17,000, and the estimated monthly cost to maintain the station will be approximately $3000 per month. There is a possibility that this cost may be offset in the future by ad revenue from the station, but no deal is in place for that as yet.

The anticipated target date of our first broadcast is November 1, 2016!

This is not a plea for money, as we have already committed our church’s resources for this endeavor. If you would like to help us with a single donation, or a monthly donation toward either our general fund or the radio station/water well ministry, it would be greatly appreciated. As always, our greatest blessings from God come in the form of answered prayers that you pray for us and our work. The Catholic Church has a strong hold in the Turkana region, and I would not mind setting some people free from that. For that, we need God’s protection and mercy. Thanks to all of you for all you do for our church here at Bethel. We hope we can always be a blessing to you.


Weekly Prayer Requests

Bro Mike and Lisa and Lisa
Bernice Whitehead-health
Nancy’s sister, Judy, for health.
Susan Parham needs prayer for spiritual guidance & children
Elena has a lot of issues in life, but she is still trusting God.
Ronda Is having strokes and needs salvation.
Rhonda needs prayer for her health and other things in her life
Khadijah needs prayer and her mom.
Davy needs salvation
Spencer needs prayer.
Daisy Greenwood has a brain tumor.
Richard & Grace, Grace has heart surgery coming up.
Linda has an unspoken.
Jan’s friend, Alicia, 19 years old has leukemia.
Rick & Ruth needs prayer for jib & relocating away from kids & family
Danny has cancer.
Brian’s wife- devil trying to pull her away from God.
Unspoken needs a job relationship restored.
Our Church and the ministries here.
Holly Farmer needs prayer
Lola Hensley is not doing good.
Linda needs prayer for her health & missing David
Mike & Laura need prayer for health issues.
Roy & Bonnie for health.
Garett for prayer to witness to his parents.
Donna’s son Eric for salvation.
Max needs prayer for cancer
Jerrod’s grandparents
Alicia & Courtney for health
Rose Hutton needs prayer.
Unspoken requests
Rose’s kids.
Laura’s mom.
Dee needs prayer for Jared and her mom.
Mike’s Dad & Mom
Linda’s brother, Bruce.
Second radio station in Kenya
The Group Home.
Pray for Regan, she has cancer and is dying.
Watcher needs prayer, discouraged .
Kelly needs prayer for her marriage
Lea needs prayer for cancer.
Danny needs prayer for personal struggles
Justin needs salvation
Elena is asking prayer.
Sure dear Senghere for family salvation
Tina Nugent’s  baby granddaughter for health.
Watcher needs a break through miracle and feels hopeless.
Anthony needs prayer for a job promotion.
Kelly needs prayer
Caroline needs prayer. Having problems with friends & family turning their back on her.
Watcher requesting prayer
Chataeya husband needs salvation, finances & friends family.
Pray for the lost.
Monica, Lisa’s sister, & family
Christopher Gunn family needs prayer
Rob Grebe and his family’s
Our Country, leaders and our Churches


4 Men

On our way back today from our first Prophecy Road Show in Delphi, Indiana, we took a 3 hour ‘out-of-the-way’ diversion to visit The Ark Encounter, http://www.arkencounter.com    Aside from some misquoted Bible verses, it was a great experience! It really puts in to perspective the phenomenal, or rather impossible, task given to Noah and his 3 sons. Viewing it from the outside, then walking all three floors on the inside, I was totally struck with the enormity, design, engineering, and assembly of this ‘plan of salvation’. 

After we arrived home late this evening, I thought of the hundreds of architects, engineers, designers, carpenters, laborers, woodsmen, crane operators, bulldozers, trucks, etc, required to build this massive model of the original. Then, I thought of the original. Designed, cut, hauled and built by Noah and his 3 sons. But with one significant difference. It was built with God’s help, and could not have been done any other way. It was God’s plan of salvation, presented by 4 men. 

Some 3,000 years later, four different men presented to the world God’s plan of salvation. They were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Christ was the ark, the work of God to save all who believe. Just as Noah and all his family were preserved from God’s condemnation of the world by being in the Ark, so all who put their trust in Christ, being “in Christ” are free from condemnation, Romans 8:1 “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” And, just as 8 people stepped off the ark into a new world, so all of those who are in Christ are a “new creature”, 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”