

Several people have called our office and have been asking about what has happened with our church and myself.

I recovered from the Covid virus on or about October 7th. That was the day that I got most of my taste smell back. Just 2 days later, we laid to rest our dear friend and brother Wayne Shirk. I was still very weak when I performed his funeral. However, the most moving part of the funeral was when the young marine knelt down on his knees and said “On behalf of the President of the United States, and our Country, we present this flag to you in honor of your husband.” I was in tears. Wayne loved President Trump and he loved his country. What an honor! I was also blessed as Sister Jan, his wife, read a letter from Wayne’s daughter during the funeral ceremony. I don’t believe I would have the strength to do such a thing, so I believe it must have been Jesus who comforted her and gave her strength.

I thought that by the next week, October 12-16, I would be ready to get back to my normal schedule. My body said “NO”. I have been so weak during these last few weeks, carrying on even until this day. Covid is a terrible disease.

Currently we have most of our office staff not able to work. One of my daughters currently has Covid along with her husband, another of my daughters is having lung problems brought about by Covid, my niece is in quarantine but has no issues or symptoms, our secretary had surgery to remove some kidney stones, but she is still in a lot of pain and very weak as a result, my wife had her fourth cancer reconstruction surgery on Tuesday the 20th, and I right now am at home taking care of her, and resting during the day. We also still have several people in our church who are like me, they are forced to take time to recover from Covid. Another person in our church tested positive on Monday the 19th, and our Chief Elder and Deacon Brother Sterling Leonard, my father-in-law, is still in a hospital step down unit, trying to get his lungs to heal enough so he can breath without forced oxygen. He is slowly but surely healing from the effects of Covid. Again, this is a TERRIBLE DISEASE.

To say that Satan has hit our church is an understatement. It may take months for us to get back to normal. However, I did consult with brother Sterling, and a few other men, and we are hoping to get back to a normal weekly schedule of a Sunday School time, Main Sunday Service, a Sunday afternoon service, a Wednesday night service, as well as getting back to Pastor Mike Online, and the Watchman Video Broadcast. We are looking at Sunday, November 8th, to start this. Please pray that God will enable us to do this.

Today, I plan to release a recorded Pastor Mike Online from home, as well as hoping to have a new Watchman Video Broadcast – BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS! Pray that God will bless me with strength.

Thank you to all of you who have continued to pray for us at Bethel. May God truly bless all of you, and may you NEVER CATCH COVID!!!!!!


Bethel/Pastor Mike/Covid Update

On Sunday September 13, several members of Bethel became infected with the Covid virus. Obviously, none of us were aware at the time that we had come in contact with the virus. Later that week, I began to show signs of what I thought at the time was an upper respiratory infection. We had already been notified by a member that they had tested positive, so we immediately shut all our public services down. The following Sunday, September 20, I preached two services, not knowing at the time I was infected, however, I did know I was running a fever.

The following Monday, September 21, I went to our local urgent care to be tested. Although it took several days for the results to come in, I knew from others that I had the symptoms, fever, fatigue, body aches, loss of taste and smell, among others. Meanwhile, several other church members tested positive, some being hospitalized. Eventually, my condition worsened, and on September 30 I was taken to the hospital for treatment double pneumonia, and other Covid related symptoms. There were many others from our church who not only contracted Covid, but had to be hospitalized. Some are still hospitalized.

On Sunday morning October 4, I was notified that one of our dearest and most faithful members, Bro. Wayne Shirk, had passed away in the hospital due to the virus. Wayne was well loved by all of us here at Bethel, and he will be sorely missed. What I loved most about Wayne was his love for the Word of God, and the excitement he would show whenever he would ask me if God had shown me anything new. A Vietnam Veteran, Wayne was a true patriot who loved his country. His wife Jan is asking that in lieu of flowers, a donation could be made to the Wounded Warrriors Project. https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/

It is sad to say but our first service after being out so many days will be streaming Bro. Wayne’s funeral service. Please pray for Sis. Jan. She and Wayne looked forward to the many days spent in their RV together. At this point in their life, she said, “we were supposed to travel and have fun together.”

Putting all politics aside, I can truthfully say that the Covid virus is one of the worst I’ve ever experienced. I have never been this sick before, nor have I seen something so easily transmitted. It has devastated our church and many of it’s families. Avoid catching it if at all possible, and pray for all those families affected.